  • Jan 29, 2024

Why personal development is important? we discussed what is personal development in my blog “ Personal Development - Meaning”, so that our understanding on this topic is clear and aligned to discuss further related concepts.

If you have not read the blog “ Personal Development -Meaning”, you can click on this link to read it.

Personal development is important to enhance your way of living as a person and raise your frequency to connect with your own soul level.

Usually, people work towards their personal development consciously and subconsciously. However, after a certain point of time majority of people start focusing on their materialistic goals. I am not saying that materialistic goals are not important and we shouldn’t focus on fulfilling our materialistic desires. We are living in materialistic world and it is also important to fulfil materialistic desires.

First, let’s understand the meaning of word “materialistic” to avoid any confusion.

Materialistic – The word materialistic is derived from the word “material”. Dictionary meaning of the word “material” is “physical substance that things can be made from”.

My interpretation to the word “material” is anything which has physical existence, can be seen, touched and felt.

Dictionary meaning of the word Materialistic is “believing that having money and possessions is the most important thing in life

My interpretation to the word “materialistic” is to focus on anything or everything that has physical existence. It can be a person (you or someone else), money, possessions over land and buildings etc.

Human is considered as the most blessed creature among all creatures of this earth because of their physical, mental and spiritual capabilities and abilities.

Hence, personal development is important from all the three aspects –

1. Physical 2. Mental and 3. Soul

Let’s understand the importance of personal development for each aspect –

  1. Physical Personal Development – It is important to live a healthy life and fulfil your needs while engaging yourself in such activities which helps you to attain your life goal. Hence, when I talk about the importance of physical personal development that means I am talking about importance of your development in terms of materialistically which includes –
    1. Your health and fitness - Your health and fitness are important to live a healthy life because you won’t be able to do anything in healthier way unless you are physically healthy.
    2. House & property - A shelter/house is important to make you feel comfortable and secure
    3. Finances - Finances are important to fulfil your needs and maintain a healthy lifestyle
    4. Family and friends - Family and friends are important to make you feel fulfilled

It is important to maintain a balance on above said aspects of physical personal development because excessive focus on this area or anyone aspect of this area can make you materialistic which will distract you from your overall personal growth. Most importantly, if you will be materialistic then you will focus on all or any specific points as mentioned below which will refrain your overall development at some point of time-

  1. i) Health & fitness – You become very conscious about your beauty, health and fitness. In result, you stop enjoying the current moments and nature freely
  2. ii) Wealth creation and accumulation – You stop living and enjoying your present moment when you start focusing excessively on wealth creation
  3. iii) Social status – You won’t be able to focus on yourself when you start focusing excessively on building your social influences/connections. You will end up yourself with the unnecessary burden of roles and responsibilities 


  1. Mental Personal Development – Let’s understand the importance of personal development at mindset level from different aspects –
    1. Ability to think and understand – This is our mental health which gives us  power to think and understand. Personal development at mindset level is important to extend or eliminate the limitations of your thought process to enhance your way of living.
    2. Intellectual abilities – It means “the way to look at things/surroundings/situations or towards anything”. It is important to develop your intellectual abilities to enhance decision making, eliminate negative thoughts, to face your fears and doubts, to be creative and more. In short, mental development at intellectual level helps you to look at the possibilities in impossibilities, to find out positivity in every negative aspect to motivate you to live your life in a better way.
    3. Memory – Our mind has power to store the events, incidents, experiences as memory. We all have good and bad experiences in our lives. Majority of people take bad experiences as failure whereas some people take such experiences as learnings. It depends on our intellectual abilities , however saving bad experiences in memories keep affecting you unless you delete such experiences from your memories. Hence, personal development at mental level is important to learn the art of let go the bad experiences and live a happy life.

It is important to maintain a balance among all three aspects of mental health because it impacts your emotions and sentiments as well.  People suffer with diseases like depression, anxiety, aggression, guilt and regrets because they avoid their development at mental level or they ignore any of the aspect of mental and physical development or they excessively focus on any of these aspects.


  1. Spiritual Personal Development – Personal development at soul level means strengthening your belief system in God/universe/ supreme power. Spiritual development is important to raise your frequency to connect with your own soul which is beyond mortal and momentary world. It gives you strength to accept the truth that every creature has its own life journey and every individual is sole responsible for their actions/Karma. They will have to complete their karmic cycles during their lifetime and face their karmas (results) based on their actions else it carry forward to your next births until you take a lesson from it and break the repeated pattren.

Karmic cycle means every action has reaction when we create a chain of actions in repeated patterns to get predetermined results, it creates a chain of reactions, which creates a karmic cycle.

It is important to balance your physical, mental and spiritual development because your beliefs reflect in your mindset which reflects in your actions and your actions create your identity.

Thank you for reading this blog . You can share your experience/understanding in comment box.


Stay Positive and Keep Growing!!


A blog by Aarti Deswal




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